May 23, 2023 / by Danny Mavis

There’s nothing quite like an enchanting and serene view of a well-maintained garden. It’s inherently inviting, with lush foliage and blooming flowers that take your breath away. But even this picturesque scene can be marred by one thing – unsightly powerlines that connect to your home.

There’s no escaping them since they’re an integral part of a home’s energy supply, but they can seriously take a toll on the overall appearance of your home. If you want to make a great first impression and nail your curb appeal, you should consider hiring power line clearing services to maintain the safety of your power supply.

Why Is Powerline Clearing Important?

This is essentially a maintenance procedure that involves trimming or pruning trees and shrubs that are near power lines. The whole process is based on three major principles, including:

Maintain the Safety of the Power Supply

Regardless of the size of your garden or the type of electricity network you have, there will always be cables that run through or around your home. If the trees and shrubs growing nearby are left unchecked, they can eventually encroach on these chords, making them vulnerable to damage.

Regardless of the size of your garden or the type of electricity network you have, there will always be cables that run through or around your home. If the trees and shrubs growing nearby are left unchecked, they can eventually encroach on these chords, making them vulnerable to damage.

This can be in the form of accidental overgrowth or even as a result of malicious pruning. If there’s any disruption or interference to the power supply, it can decrease its lifespan and lead to costly repairs and replacements.

Prevent Contact with High Voltage Cables

When you’re dealing with high-voltage cables, even the tiniest branch can be a potential hazard. When it comes into contact with electric current, it can cause short circuits which can have devastating consequences in the form of swollen transformers, damaged insulation and even human fatalities.

If your greenery comes into contact with the power supply, you need to look into tree-clearing services to facilitate the removal of any hazardous branches and ensure that your home remains safe. Anything less than that could put you, your family and your property in danger.

Avoid Outages and Decreased Efficiency

In addition to the damage to the cables themselves, overgrown trees can also cause outages and decreased efficiency of the power grid. When there’s a breach in the flow of electricity, the power supply to homes and businesses will be disrupted in a cascading effect.

Naturally, this translates to increased costs and wasted resources, with increased repair bills for the utilities and the customers alike. Not only can this be an inconvenience, but it can also cause a massive dent in your wallet.

Tree Maintenance Steps Needed for Powerline Clearing

The whole process is more than just a simple cut of the branches – it requires knowledge and experience to achieve satisfactory results. Professional arborists are well-equipped with the necessary tools and techniques to carry out this task safely and efficiently, including:

Selecting the Right Pruning Method

Tree pruning is a delicate process that can take on four main shapes based on the structure, density and type of tree. The first one is the clean prune which is used for removing deadwood, diseased or damaged branches with no visible collateral damage. It prevents the spread of infection and the further deterioration of the tree.

The second is thinning which involves removing some branches to reduce their density and improve air circulation. While it’s mainly done for aesthetic purposes, it can also help reduce the overall contact risk with power lines.

Tree pruning is a delicate process that can take on four main shapes based on the structure, density and type of tree. The first one is the clean prune which is used for removing deadwood, diseased or damaged branches with no visible collateral damage. It prevents the spread of infection and the further deterioration of the tree.

The third is a reduction, which is the removal of parts to reduce the size – either height or width – of the tree. It is the most common method used for power line clearing since it’s non-destructive and can accommodate the required clearance.

Finally, there is selective pruning which requires more precision since only certain branches are removed to improve the structure and shape of the tree. It’s the most complicated of the four since it needs to be done with utmost care to avoid any potential damage.

Assessment of Tree Conditions Before Pruning

Before you determine the pruning method to use, you need to first assess the health of the tree. This will give you an idea of the general state of the tree and any potential risks that might arise from pruning.

A thorough visual inspection is necessary for this purpose, checking for any signs of decay, disease or pest infestation. This also ensures that you won’t be cutting off healthy branches unnecessarily.

Proper Trimming Techniques to Avoid Interruption of Utility Lines

Regardless of the specific pruning method that you use, you need to make sure that the power lines are well-cleared. This means avoiding any accidental contact with the cables and leaving enough space for any future growth.

Furthermore, it’s best to do the job during non-peak times to reduce disruptions in the power supply. This way, you can minimise the chances of an outage and ensure that more people will be able to enjoy their day with uninterrupted electricity. Oftentimes, the way the tree is snipped can also affect how it grows in the future, so you need to be extra careful with your cuts.