Health & Beauty | WordYrazzii

essential oil

Aromatherapy is one of the most sought-after forms of complementary therapy. It uses therapeutic grade oils from named botanical species, which are known to cause a positive effect on the body. One of the reasons it has become so popular in the past few years is due to its holistic approach to treating emotional, mental

July 20, 2016 / by Emma Jones
hand bags

Ah handbags… I feel like all women worldwide react the same way around the topic: all craziness that goes in our female heads instantly stops when the word gets mentioned and we start starring at one point, popping our ears in the attempt to hear where do they have ladies handbags for sale. It’s like

July 15, 2016 / by Emma Jones

Dear fitness geeks and those of you who need just a little push to set off for a healthier, leaner self – newsflash: activewear is undergoing a serious revolution – one that will help you set higher goals and exceed them. Yes, having rock solid motivation is the key to endure and ultimately succeed in

July 11, 2016 / by Emma Jones