Home & Garden | WordYrazzii


Gardening used to be limited to the ground, but that is no longer the case thanks to innovative self-watering planters. These planters allow you to grow almost anything, just like any other potted planter, but they are a practical and handy solution to keep your indoor and outdoor plants healthy even while you’re gone for

March 02, 2022 / by Danny Mavis

Although it seems like an insignificant thing to take into account, the truth is that businesses should seriously consider the type of floor they choose for their facilities. Aside from being appealing and stylish, the chosen floor also needs to be practical, durable and easy to maintain. Having all of this in mind, it’s not

January 18, 2022 / by Danny Mavis

As we continue growing and the world keeps urbanizing more and more, our daily lives tend to become busier by the second. Work, school assignments, house chores and many other responsibilities take up more than half of our day. This can lead to piled-up stress and anxiety, which is why it’s important to take some

December 31, 2021 / by Emma Jones
clothes line

Backyard clotheslines may appear out of date and are even prohibited in certain neighbourhoods as eyesores. Even if hanging every load of laundry outside to dry may seem to be quite an effort, there are several advantages to line-drying. Drying clothing and household linens on a clothesline saves electricity, extends the life of your clothes,

December 15, 2021 / by Emma Jones
Bathroom Upgrade Tips for a Touch of Luxury

Designing a bathroom might require more thought and effort than designing any other room in your home. When it comes to bathroom renovations, it’s not always about handling the plasterer, plumber, and flooring installer. There are easier ways to remodel your bathroom without getting out the sledgehammer. However, such things need your artistic touch, such

December 14, 2021 / by Danny Mavis
LED Floodlights on a House

Outdoor entertainment plays a big role in Aussies’ life and we all want to create a space that promises relaxation and joy whenever family and friends come to visit. You could start with using some tips for choosing the best outdoor tables for the perfect al fresco experience, but also make sure to include all

December 13, 2021 / by Emma Jones
home decor

You can find candle holders Australia stores offer and choose the ones that best meet your style and preferences.

December 01, 2021 / by Emma Jones
Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report

Trees are some of the most beautiful aspects of nature. They are the basis of the ecosystem and it’s vital to protect and preserve them. Trees bring many benefits, from giving us oxygen to storing carbon, stabilising the soil and more. Therefore, it’s important to promote the retention of trees whenever possible.Maintaining tree cover is

September 14, 2021 / by Danny Mavis

Sticking to a consistent colour scheme in your home is one of the greatest challenges when it comes to decorating. Creating a cohesive look that flows from one room to another is the dream of every homeowner. But how can you achieve that without getting lost on the way?

August 18, 2021 / by Emma Jones
backyard shed

As every gardener knows, cultivating, weeding, transplanting, and trimming plants requires a variety of specialised tools and equipment. A garden shed provides a designated space to store your equipment and many other things to avoid cluttering your outdoor space. A shed, on the other hand, may be much more than just a storage space. It

August 17, 2021 / by Emma Jones